You hear this question often, especially when chaos reigns and the world seems to be so totally out of control. How can a loving God allow His people to suffer? Why didn't God just create a perfect world?
Well, He did do exactly that. According to the Bible the world was perfect and without sin, in the beginning. God looked at His creation and said it is GOOD. But then sin entered the world through one man's desire to be a god and we have been paying the price ever since. That fall precipitated all that has followed.
There are only two sources of knowledge that I can see - man's best thinking (observation, experiments, etc.) and Divine Knowledge transmitted in the form of Biblical teachings. Most of us, intuitively rely on man's best thinking because it fits our world view. It is tangible, documented, historical. But it has been wrong in the past, however new discoveries often come along, sometimes years later to correct the errors. Man thought the world was flat. But then it was corrected.
Biblical thinking is a strange and foreign thought to many. The idea there is a force greater than ourselves drives some crazy and makes them angry and hatefilled. These people cannot even discuss the possibility without becoming condescending and belligerent. But does that mean it is not so? It just makes it harder to discuss, rationally and calmly.
IF ... and I pose it as an IF question ... the Bible is divine knowledge, the answers to these questions of God's plan are there to be discovered. IF however, it is not true, then the questions posed have no purpose, because there is no god. And if there is no god, then why be concerned how all this sin got here. It is simple, it is human nature at its best. The only conclusion is that all life on this earth is random. All behavior is born of chaos and self preservation and the conclusions are simple - man is going to do whatever is in his/her best interest. If a random act of kindness gets thrown in, so be it. But don't count on it.
The Bible says this world is NOT the end game. It says this world is a refining process for an ultimate destination. Life here is a journey. And how you live life here will determine your ultimate role in eternity. The Bible says we all have eternal life. We will either live eternally with God or without God.
If this is true, then there are lot's of reasons to learn the rules divinely given through the Bible and for us to follow them. But if the Bible is, as some would suggest, nonsense, then there are no rules. There is no purpose to life. It is every man for himself. We are randomly here for a short time and then poof - we disappear to never be accountable for any of our life choices. We just eat, drink and be merry, for when we die, it is over.
Now, there is always a possibility these great thinkers maybe right. There may not be any true justice or final accountability for our choices here on earth. But IF ... and again this is an interesting IF ... they are wrong. What are the consequences of bad choices? What is the end game if there is nothing beyond this life? And of the two choices which road is the road less traveled? Which road is the one that offers the higher possibilities, the better life, the most peace? Which life would you rather take, given the choice?
So, why did God allow sin into His perfect creation? I think it was done to create a clear choice. So that we could see clearly the road ahead. As for me and my house, based on years of reading, studying and searching - I feel most comfortable with the road less traveled. The Biblical road. The road that leads to eternal life with God. And if I am wrong, what have I lost? But if those who don't think this is possible are wrong, what have they lost? That is the choice each person has to make for themselves. The road less traveled or the wide road which leads to destruction? Wonder which road you will take?
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