Well the first debate is behind us. I watched until I could not stand it any longer. Judging from the long list of debate commentators, most of them felt the same way I did, McCain did an admirable job and Obama looked like a college debate participant.
What can a man say who has not experience? Tell me again what are Obama's qualifications to be the President of the USA? I am missing it. I hear the likes of Beckel, Ferraro and others expound on his brilliance and grasp of complex issues, but so what? He has no practical experience. And everytime he comes up with something he would do, he has to change it.
This is the man who said he would shut down the war in 2009 and now says he would do it appropriately. He says he would not drill and now says he would. He will cut taxes, yet he is going to increase the social security cap? Raise Cap gains taxes? And corporate taxes? Who pays corporate taxes? The consumers do in raised prices.
There is nothing good about Obama's candidacy. He maybe a fine man. Someone you would like to watch a football game with. But I don't want him looking Ahmadinejad in the eye and try to read his soul. He couldn't read the Rev Wright's soul over 20 years - what makes you think he could do any better with Chavez, Il Jong whoever and the Iranian devil.
Give me stability and experience with McCain. At least we can all sleep at night.
If you love socialism (what he REALLY means in "CHANGE"), you're gonna love Obama. Small businesses automatically lumped into his "above $250K in earnings" taxed at 62%??. Don't like that, then how about being fined and threatened with jail if you, the small business man does not provide HIS proscribed health coveage?? Hillary tried that one when Bill was Pres. Oh, yeah. Gonna love Obama.
He is the BEST - until he becomes the worst.
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