Saturday, October 11, 2008

God's Wrath

While I was reading Romans 1 recently, it struck me that the USA is in the throes of God's wrath. Paul writes that He turned them over to their depraved mind. In other words, these pagans were so filled with their sin they could no longer see anything else. And since they were depraved and rebellious, God just let them have what they wanted - more sin. This could very well be the evidence of the wrath of God.

How could we know? Let's look at the Israelites in the wilderness. They complained and complained. One time the complained about manna. They were tired of God providing for them every day, so they demanded meat. God, in His graciousness, gave them all the meat they could possibly want. In fact, they didn't want any more but continued to get it because God turned His wrath upon them.

We know from Revelation that God's wrath at the judgment will be much more horrific. We are talking about annihilation, perhaps. What we do know is that there is a difference between eternal separation from God at the white throne judgment and His loving, guiding hand of discipline.

Could it be the US has finally tilted away from God so much that He is chastening us with economic turmoil. Could it be that the election is going to be further chastening? Like the Israelites who complained about their manna, we may very well be heading towards other problems because of our country's attitude towards gay marriage, abortion, pornography and loose morals.

Clearly, America is no longer stifled by the rigors of moral turpitude. This country mocks righteousness, upright living, abstinence, stewardship and the other Judeo Christian values that were so much a part of our culture. It reminds me of the penetrating question I heard years ago - "You claim you are a Christian. Is there enough evidence to convict you?"

The USA used to claim to be a Christian nation. We are on the verge of electing a President who will not wear the American Flag because he is concerned it will make the wrong statement to other countries. The US has become a country of appeasers instead of a strong nation who will defend the rights of the down trodden. The US no longer wears the badge of Values proudly, but instead demonstrates its depravity and willfulness against the very purity of God.

Is it no wonder God may be withdrawing His protection from this country?


Elle said...

I totally agree about the "appeasers" comment. No wonder so many people struggle with codependency. It's what the nation teaches us. :)

But seriously, what's so wrong about standing up for our country and having pride in that? I don't know. Just a thought.

The Way said...

Nothing is wrong with it. But woe be unto those who do. The wrath of those who do not agree will fall squarely on your shoulders. So be strong and stand up for what you believe to be right.